
We would be grateful if you would share your Sherman memories, recipes, poems, etc with us!

September 15, 2021
Sherm Loved a Challenge
My favorite Sherman story: In the early 80’s at US West, the IT Accounting group was in the process of “Closing the Books” for the year. The Comptroller was waiting for the numbers, AT&T was waiting for US West’s numbers, shareholder dividends needed to be calculated. And the system hung. […]
September 15, 2021
Quick thinking, Sherman
I loved working with him at Pacific Northwest Bell on the Office Automation project, maybe 1982. Sherman was keenly promoting the purchase of a few PCs, bleeding edge technology back then. When presenting our plan to then company president Andy Smith, Andy objected, saying that PCs would only be used […]
September 14, 2021
An IT leader With Great Impact
As the CIO of US West’s large IT organization, I enjoyed having many excellent IT leaders as part of the team.  But Sherman always stood out as one of the most innovative and impactful.  Time after time he introduced innovations that changed the way the company did business.  Older IT […]
September 8, 2021
The Best of the Best…
I loved Sherman. Here’s a few quick stories focused on my interactions with Sherman. He had us over to dinner on December 31, 1999 and we talked about Y2k. He hired me the first time I was quitting USWEST, someone else vetoed it. A year later, I was quitting again […]
September 7, 2021
One of our Leadership retreats – Keystone house Jan 1997
One of our leadership retreats for GV Labs at my friends house at Keystone Ranch.  We cooked, ate, smoked, soaked in hot tub – and yeah strategized about the next year for GV Labs!  All the while being pushed by Sherman to think differently….. – Daya Haddock
September 7, 2021
Sherman and the OSSAA
First let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Plunkett and I am the Fine Arts Administrator at the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association.  After 21 years of teaching high school music, I took a job overseeing the music contests in Oklahoma.  The OSSAA was using a very cumbersome way to enter […]
September 7, 2021
Monday Nite Football / Bridge
I am an old bridge buddy of Sherms’s and live in Seattle. I would drive him to/from our Monday Nite Football bridge games. Those car rides were very educational for me – lists of books for me to read, perspectives on politics, bridge, of course! On night someone brought an […]
August 31, 2021
A Creative Genius Who Excelled at Realizing Human Potential With Technology
Sherman was an ageless creative spirit and special human being: a “mensch”! His passion to transform our One (Global Village) World inspired everyone he encountered, coached and collaborated with. Sherman got us all thinkin’ about how to wisely purpose telecommunication systems–using this technology to help improve human communication for the common […]