September 19, 2021Kindness
September 23, 2021Childhood New Year’s
I spent many of new year’s at the Woo house. I was always happy to visit with Megan and Ross, I always looked up to them. We would watch the top 100 video countdown every year Michael Jackson’s thriller was always the top video. We would of course eat good food and play games of mahjong 🀄️. The Woo’s even got us Johnson’s our own set. I feel like I could of gotten good at that game. The last time I saw Sherman I was working at the Seattle art museum, Sherman, Ross, and I believe Megan were coming up the stairs. We had a brief moment before they went into the exhibit. Spending time at the Woo house was a real privilege. I really miss those days. Peace and blessings to you all. Rest In Peace Sherman!!!