
We would be grateful if you would share your Sherman memories, recipes, poems, etc with us!

December 17, 2021
Platoon Corporals during Basic Training at Fort Lewis
I just received some sad news. Sherman Woo, who served briefly with me through Basic Training in 1968 passed away. Sherman was one of my “corporals,” a squad leader, when I was in command of the honor platoon in 1968. Sherman was an ethnic Chinese United States citizen. We weren’t […]
September 3, 2021
Now I know my ABC’s
An unfinished book of letters Sherman was writing for Ida & Unni   AB CD EF G HI JK LMNOP RS TU WXY and Z Now I know my ABC’s This is the alphabet song which you have no doubt learned already. This is the most common form of learning […]
September 3, 2021
What’s the score
Musicians interpret musical scores It doesn’t mean, they just play whatever they like although, some have tried. There are things in black and white plotted between lines that are interpreted, not merely played. What could that possibly mean?, you say, are they not the same? Well, you stretch for a […]
September 3, 2021
Uncle Andrew
The artist paints what he knows, not what he sees. My uncle Andrew Chinn, painted watercolors. The entry in Wikipedia doesn’t do justice to him. Didn’t talk about how he loved bass fishing. How he painted while he fished out of his imagination. Watercolors in his unique blend of American […]
September 3, 2021
The Ice Man
Before refrigerators people used ice in ice boxes which were served by ice trucks pulled by horses driven by the ice truck driver who wore a leather apron, hauling ice from the ice house to the ice box in people’s houses. The ice from the ice house came from the […]
September 3, 2021
A Salute to Colin Kaepernick
What I don’t get Is why the white supremacists can’t see that Colin Kaepernick is not disrespecting the flag. The highest form of disrespect is not giving a shit, which plainly, is not the case. Whether Colin stands or sits, what he wants is, to be seen. This is his […]
September 3, 2021
Ida’s Eyes
Ida’s eyes Greet me With a flash of magic That only comes From being recognized The fact that she sees me That a fully formed person Is there Behind those probing eyes Is a shock A quick and curious mind Connected to a smile And memories We have made together […]
September 3, 2021
Ida at Four
Dear Ida, You were almost two when I first met you And now you’re four. Time goes by In a blink of an eye. So many Memories. So many favorites. You probably won’t recall the morning you stood in one of my shoes thinking, who is this person sleeping on […]
September 3, 2021
I was afraid of dogs
Luna, when I was tiny as you, dogs scared me. Especially big ones, they were so big, fast and strong. They seemed to know this and always came running to lick my face which terrified me when I saw those sharp, sharp teeth. Now, all grown up I understand. Dogs […]